Denver was diagnosed with cancer aged just three, and underwent intensive chemotherapy. His strength gave his family the strength to carry on after being given a terminal diagnosis. Here, his mum tells his story...
Denver was a happy smiley little 3 year old boy when we discovered that he had a mass in his tummy in May 2018.
He was diagnosed after being constantly under the weather with sickness bugs, losing weight and low iron levels which was just not like my Denver. We were admitted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital the day after the mass was found on a scan and his treatment started as soon as he was stable, but he battled on smiling and trying to keep up with life.
Denver had a biopsy, a Hickman line and a lumbar puncture. He then went straight on to have eight rounds of chemotherapy. The first six weeks of his treatment were really hard and we didn’t return home.
After chemotherapy he had further tests to see how treatment had gone. The spots on his lungs had appeared to go away, his tumour had shrunk and 95% of it was removed. We were so hopeful.
Denver went through further tests, blood transfusions, scans and bone marrow removal in preparation to have strong chemotherapy and isolation for weeks and we continued to stay in hospital.
After more scans, we were told that Denver would not be continuing his radiotherapy as the number of spots on his lungs had increased and the tumour was growing rapidly in his belly. I was devastated.
My beautiful little boy was supposed to recover from this. When his blood test results were good, his smile would keep us feeling positive. He had done so well. We were then told to just enjoy the rest of his strength and make memories. Our world crashed down around us.
Denver's strength gave us the strength to do this.
Denver passed away in my arms early morning on Valentine’s Day. My little boy's love will never be forgotten.
We love you to the moon and back Denver.
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