Lois was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia aged just nine years old. She is responding well to treatment but it has been a steep learning curve. Here, her family tells us her story...
Lois was 9 years old when she was diagnosed with AML in June 2019.
She was always a healthy child, never having a day off school.
When she woke up on a Sunday morning complaining of a sore throat and had a temperature of 40, we called 111 and were advised to go to A&E where Lois was diagnosed with a severe throat infection.
After 4 days of antibiotics she seemed back to full health and was ready to return to school... although the following day red spots appeared on her body which we presumed were chicken pox. We had no reason to suspect anything else as she was well in herself, attended numerous clubs every week including swimming, cubs, dance, singing and drama. Lois was always on the go!
Her love of performing led her to star earlier this year in a McDonalds commercial wearing a marigold glove on her head, ready for her swimming race!
We had a blood test at the local hospital on the following Friday afternoon and by early evening we were called back in. Our world fell apart when doctors said they suspected that Lois had leukaemia.
She spent the next 8 weeks at The Royal Marsden where they confirmed it was AML and she started her intensive treatment. Lois had been so looking forward to her summer holiday, she was going on a week long cub camp and then we were going to Corfu for our annual holiday. Of course, everything was cancelled!
Lois never moans about her illness and everyone comments on how she is always smiling. She amazes us with her strength and attitude.
We had no idea there are so many different types of leukaemia. AML only affects 70-100 children a year. Lois is responding really well to her treatment so far, but we want to help fund more research into childhood acute myeloid leukaemia.
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Lois' claim to fame
Lois' love for performing led to her starring in this McDonald's advert before diagnoses.
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