#TeamMax ALL Fund is a Special Named Fund at CCLG raising money for research into acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, in recognition of seven-year-old Max's ongoing treatment.
Max was 7 years old, when on the 25th of May 2023, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, his mum Laura shares his story...
Max was an energetic 6-year-old, he lived for sport. He played football and rugby weekly and everything he did was aimed around football.
He is the one child who is full of sarcastic comments and is always straight to the point giving his honest opinion. He is a strong character and once you meet Max you never forget him.
Max was diagnosed one month after his 7th birthday, on the 25th of May 2023. This was three days after he had celebrated his delayed 7th birthday party. He had been having routine blood tests after a recent hospital admission in April 2023.
On this particular day, he had his blood test and we headed home for dinner. He was fine jumping around and winding up his brother! We then had a call from a doctor in A&E who requested Max came in straight away and both parents should also attend. We knew at this point it was serious, and he was later diagnosed with leukaemia.
We found out days later, it was specifically acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and he was at high risk due to his genetics. We are not sure what treatment looks like due to him being high risk, but we take each treatment plan one month at a time. He is currently in the consolidation phase of treatment and the picture in the white polo is the day of his blood test.
Max has been unwell since February 2023 but he was not displaying any blast cells in his blood, which meant we had to wait for a clear diagnosis before treatment could be started.
Since his diagnosis, he is under shared care of John Radcliffe and Stoke Mandeville hospital and he’s doing okay. We have had multiple admissions, transfusions, procedures etc, all of which are exhausting for Max, but he is currently doing okay and we continue to stay positive and pray for a positive outcome. He is also undergoing regular chemotherapy treatment, and we are hopeful our Max will get his personality back in time. Our happy, carefree son is very much somewhere else at the moment.
These days he enjoys sitting and playing games and having cuddles rather than running around the garden with a ball. He is still smiling and as long as he is smiling at us, our family feels okay.
We have met so many amazing families along our journey already which makes us hopeful.
As a parent I want to raise awareness and funds for future projects to ensure children who receive a cancer diagnosis stand the best chance of recovery.
We have already started raising money by selling childhood cancer pin badges within workplaces and among family members.
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Fundraising pages
Text CCLGMAX to 70085 to donate £5.
CCLG will receive 100% of your donation. You may also be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
You can make a donation or pay in funds raised by cheque, payable to CCLG, to CCLG, Century House, 24 De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GB. Please ensure you make it clear that the donation is for #TeamMax ALL Fund so that your donation is allocated to the correct fund.